A C program to solve PNG mazes

I recently saw the Maze solving youtube video from Computerphile and I find it very interesting. So I decided to build my own maze solver program.

It’s a C program that takes a maze PNG and outputs the solution using the Wall Follower algorithm

The program has a few constraints:

  • It only accepts PNG files
  • Mazes should be square
  • Walls should be black rgb(0, 0, 0) and path white rg(255, 255, 255)
  • Walls and path should be 1px width
  • The starting point must be at (x: 0, y: 1)
  • The ending point should be at (x: width, y: height - 1)

You can find more information to build an use the program in my Github


Input file:

$ ./maze_solver maze.png
Filename: maze.png
Width: 101
Height: 101
Algorithm duration: 0.000121 seconds

Output file: