I have an idea

New year new goals they say. The past year, I took some time to reflect in my programming learning journey. I started in 2019, time really goes fast. Since then, I’ve tried multiple domains in software development. I’ve developed multiple learning projects using many programming languages and different technologies. Always trying to dive deeper in the fundamental concepts.

I think I’ve learned a lot, but everytime I learn something my confidence as a programmer decreases. It’s a strange feeling. I think it comes with the fact that, everytime I learn something I also learn how much stuff I still don’t know. This shit is hard. Mentally and physically. Sitting all day in front of the computer hurts your body and your brain is always fried. I like that, though. That’s why I’m still here writting this post.

In these years, I also discovered a lot of things about me.

I enjoy learning new stuff

For me, best way to learn something is to have an idea and build it. Learn your tools by using it. Allow yourself to not finish the project if you don’t want to. Usually I don’t finish most of my projects. Maybe the goal of the project wasn’t to finish it but learning something while building it. Throw that project out and start a new one with what you just have learned.

Programming helped me to set goals in life

I have a clear goal. Build something successful using my programming knowledge. That includes working for a good company developing secure and efficient software or doing the same but in my own small company. Right know I’m just a freelancer surviving. Both goals are hard to achieve. I’m still here trying. I let you know when I get there.

I enjoy building stuff

I’m consider myself more a builder than an manager or entrepreneur. In fact, I don’t want to be a manager. I would like to be a successful entrepreneur, though. Is possible to be a successful entrepreneur without being a manager? I don’t know. As a wannabe entrepreneur I prefer to build a small team (10 or so) of high-paying programmers than a business with hundreds of mediocre programmers. You can build big things while still being small in size. Venture capitalists should learn that you can be big in revenue but small in team size, but that’s something for another post.

Be a programmer not just pretend it

All this time I’ve been always in the middle of being a programmer and not. I mean, I’ve always had a backup (career wise) plan in case programming was not for me. This year that backup plan ends. I am spending 95% of my time to be a better programmer (the other 5% to get money to survive). So, how I’m spending my time?

The Idea

I’m building a real startup. You could say “Well, you will probably fail”. And that’s true, I expect it to fail. I have some money saved that I’ll throw it away without hesitation. The important thing here is the journey. How great could I be as a programmer after one year building this shit? And you say “Well, you have wasted one year, and now you are jobless”. Yes, It’s risky. However, I hope I can get a job in a good company when this journey fails.

Really, what are my options?

  1. Give up trying to be a professional programming. Be an accountant instead and programming on my free time.
  2. Try building something, fail, and use that momentum and knowledge to get a job as a programmer in a good company.
  3. Don’t try anything bigger, keep being a freelancer doing small projects for clients. This options is actually good. However, I’ve feeling stuck. I need to try something bigger.

I’m choosing 2.

There is a mostly-impossible fourth option, this shit works. I’m not going to say what happens next because it’s all fantasy. Go back to real life.

So, what is the startup about?

I’ll write a post in the next weeks talking about it.

Thank’s for reading.
